A Spring Cleaning Checklist For Your HVAC System

Technician is checking air conditioner ,measuring equipment for filling air conditioners.

As you may have been focused on Spring cleaning around your home, don’t forget the important maintenance of your HVAC system. Today, Fritts Heating & Air will share a list of spring HVAC maintenance tips you need to do in order to maintain a well-kept HVAC system. 

Like mentioned, spring cleaning isn’t just for wiping down counters and baseboards. It is also changing filters, cleaning windows, pipes, and other vital equipment. We are here to help make this process go smoothly and efficiently! 

Check Your Air Filter

In preparation of a hot spring and summer, make sure you clean and change out your air filter! Air filters are important in keeping the air in your home clean and efficient to breathe in. Make sure you follow instructions on how often your specific one needs to be replaced. This will help set yourself up for success in the heat of May. 

Clean the ducts

Regularly dusting your home can prevent further debris in your ducts, but it can’t undo the build-up that has already accumulated in your ducts. Although this step only needs to take place about every 2-3 years. It is especially recommended to clean your ducts after any construction has taken place in your home, or if you have pets. Construction could lead to lots of sawdust, dirt, and other debris finding a home in your ducts, which decreases your air quality. With pets, you will need to change your air filter more often than in a home with no pets. This is because of the amount of shedding your dog or cat does during the warm months. No one wants pet hair clogging their air filters and potentially causing worse allergies and higher electric bills because your system is doing more work. This is an important HVAC maintenance tip because it could save you money in the long run! 

Turn Your Fans On

It’s important to get fresh air circulating, so make sure you turn on all of your fans when cranking on the air conditioning. This will help with air circulation, therefore helping your home cool down quicker! You are going to want clean air circulation this spring as the highs are getting into the high 90’s now. Make sure this is part of your Spring cleaning checklist.

Switch to a Smart thermostat

Programmable thermostats have many benefits like being able to set automatically to an ideal temperature throughout the day. It also helps greatly in saving energy and money, since the air only runs when required. They are very simple to use, and do not require much to install. 


After all, this is a spring cleaning checklist. Make sure you clean the exterior of your home where your HVAC system is located. You can deep clean around it by turning off the unit and vacuuming it; this will help clean out the air conditioning fins. Also be sure to pick up any leaves or debris that has accumulated around the system! This can be quickly swept around, but helps the unit run maximum airflow with no issues. Don’t forget to also clean the condenser. Leaves, dirt, and other debris can get built up quickly in this. You’ll first turn off your system and take off the motor cover so that you have access to the fan and coil. It can get clogged with leaves, dirt, grass, and dust quickly, especially during the fall and winter months of not being cleaned. Sweep out the debris and clean the coil with a rag. Don’t use water to clean because it could form mud which might lead to a clog. 

Listen out for issues

When you do turn on your system, make sure it is working properly. If it does not start running soon after turning it on, this might be an issue. It could also be an issue if it sounds bad when running. We recommend you to call for help as soon as this happens to prevent any further issues. The temperature is rising very quickly, so to fix the air problems sooner than later is best. 

Schedule a Service Call

Your A/C tune-ups are essential to prevent issues during the hot months of summer coming up. You can be ahead of the game by scheduling an A/C tune-up now to make sure your A/C is in working condition before the heat gets worse. 

HVAC technicians will come to your home and check every component of your unit to make sure nothing there are no malfunctions. Using their knowledge and experience, they will be able to detect any minor or major issues before you truly start depending on your A/C. They will also thoroughly clean the parts, which, as mentioned, helps your unit run smoothly. 

Call Us Today!

Fritts Heating & Air is a reliable heat and air service and HVAC contractor with over 20 years of experience. We provide Canton and North Georgia with expert heating and air conditioning services. You can rely on us for your HVAC repairs and installation for residential and commercial properties. 

Need HVAC service, AC repair, or a smart thermostat installed? You can rely on Fritts. We provide heating and cooling services for air conditioning repair, commercial HVAC, smart thermostat installation, HVAC repair and installation, and more. We also offer HVAC financing options! 

Contact us today online at (678) 855-8545 to schedule your HVAC service, repair, or installation.

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