Don’t Let Your HVAC System Ruin Your Holidays

Thanksgiving is just days away and everyone is preparing to have family and friends over for the holidays. With that being said, the last thing you want to happen is your HVAC system goes out on the fritz while everyone is over. Don’t let your HVAC system ruin your holidays this year. Be prepared and take preventative measures to put less strain on your overall system. Here, Fritts Heating & Air details a short HVAC checklist for the holiday season.

Why Should You Identify HVAC Problems Early?

Seasonal tune-ups can make or break your overall HVAC system. Finding and fixing problems early before they become a bigger problem can save you money and time. A trained HVAC technician from Fritts Heating & Air can often assess and fix problems with your furnace this holiday season before a significant breakdown occurs. 

Test Your System

How well does your thermostat work? Adjust the temperature on your system and wait for the heater and AC to turn on. Make sure you test both systems to see if they are running properly. In some cases, a broken thermostat could be a simple fix. If it needs new batteries or you need a new thermostat, the repair is quick and easy. If possible, it is also recommended to install a smart thermostat for your home. Fritts Heating & Air can take care of all your smart thermostat needs. Starting with a trained and professional technician, we will install, set up, and guide you through the smart thermostat process. Smart thermostats learn the behaviors of your HVAC and furnace systems and adjust to perform at optimal production saving you unnecessary utility costs and HVAC maintenance.

Check Your Air Filters

Right before Thanksgiving is a great time to check your air filters. Due to the cooler temperature, you may be using your HVAC system more. With excessive use, your HVAC system collected more dust and debris. Instead of changing out your filters every three months, you might need to replace them every month. Many things occur with dirty air filters. First, your system works harder than it needs to. As a result, your energy bills will rise, and your system is more likely to break down. A second issue is that dirty filters can eventually develop mold. The mold spores can cause your home to have poor air quality and to disperse allergens. By replacing your air filters before the holidays, you can improve the air quality in your home.

Clean Your Exterior Unit

Most people think about their air vents when cleaning their HVAC systems. Well, don’t forget about the exterior unit during the holidays. If you have leaves and dirt on your exterior unit, it will decrease the productivity of your system. As debris and leaves get stuck in your condenser unit, your heating and cooling system doesn’t work as well. In fact, it could completely break down. Keep your system working properly by removing anything from the exterior. With that being said, don’t clean any debris from inside the unit unless you have a trained technician present. Improper cleaning can lead to system failure or potential injury.

Clean Your Ducts

If you can’t remember the last time you had your air ducts swept out, it’s time to clean them. Over the years, dust accumulates in your ducts and causes poor air quality. Your family and guests will appreciate the clean air during the holidays. If you want to prevent HVAC issues on Thanksgiving day or during Christmas, hire someone to clean your air ducts.

Inspect the Base Pan

The base pan of your HVAC collects water when necessary. However, it shouldn’t be full of water. If it is, your system could shut off soon. Most HVACs have a safety shut-off that prevents the system from working when there’s too much water in the pan. If you see water in the pan, there may be a clog in the drain pipe. To fix this issue, you need to remove the clog. To have this done, call Fritts Heating & Air and we will have a trained technician out to you ASAP.

Hear Strange Noises?

If your HVAC sounds different than usual, you might be quick to dismiss the irregularity. After all, won’t your system break down if something is wrong? Unfortunately, you may be ignoring a sign that your HVAC system needs to be serviced. Listen out for strange noises and call an HVAC technician from Fritts for assistance as soon as you suspect a problem. They can fix your issue before it ruins the holiday season.

Call Fritts Before The Holiday Season

At Fritts Heat & Air, we’re not comfortable until you are. That means keeping you warm during the winter months and providing you with prompt and professional heating system repair services when you need us. We repair all brands of residential and commercial heating systems. Let us keep your home or business warm with our expert heating system repair services. When you first notice that your furnace is not working or keeping your home or business warm appropriately, it’s best to call the furnace repair experts at Fritts Heat & Air. Our highly trained HVAC technicians will inspect, service, and repair your heating unit. We offer our customers more than two decades of experience within the HVAC industry. We work fast, efficiently, and affordably. We also have HVAC financing options available.

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