Fall Is The Time For Furnace Service

With the cooler weather rolling in and Fall finally upon us, it is time to get your furnace service inspection from Fritts Hating & Air. After months of lying dormant, it is always best to have your furnace maintenance check-up before the winter weather sets in. Any issues big or small, need to be addressed while the temperatures outside are still mild and there is ample time for proper repairs and installation. Fritts has a team of trained technicians to properly inspect, diagnose, and service your furnace and HVAC system to prepare your home for a comfortable and warm winter season.

5 Keys To Furnace Service For Fall

#1 Furnace Inspection

Your furnace is like a car engine. When it sits unused for months on end, it needs a check-up and test run to ensure all components and functions are firing correctly. Our trained HVAC technicians will give your furnace a proper inspection and

#2 Filter Change

Every 1-3 months your HVAC filter needs to be changed out for a new one depending on the size of your filter. When the fall comes and you switch from A/C to heat, you should always have a new filter installed for maximum airflow, pollutant reduction, and optimized heating for your home.

#3 Duct Cleaning

Once summer has ended and your A/C is switched off, it is wise to have your ducts inspected and cleaned to remove any mold, debris, dust, and blockage that could hinder the flow of heat throughout the home.

#4 Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats can learn your home’s environment and the behavior of the people in it. Having a smart, programmable thermostat will help reduce heating costs, lessen wear and tear on your furnace, and will help keep you home more evenly heated and comfortable.

#5 Reduce Airflow Blockage

Once you switch to heat in your home it is crucial that you keep all vents and intake panels clear of curtains, furniture, rugs, and other obstacles. Blocking the air vents will cause uneven heating and overworking of your furnace which can lead to expensive repairs.

Professional Furnace Service In Atlanta, GA

At Fritts Heat & Air, we’re not comfortable until you are. That means keeping you warm during the winter months and providing you with prompt and professional heating system repair services when you need us. We repair all brands of residential and commercial heating systems. Let us keep your home or business warm with our expert heating system repair services. Call us today at (678) 327-3897 or contact us online to schedule your furnace service maintenance!

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