Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

Is your furnace leaking water? As more and more households make the switch to running their furnace this season, a furnace leaking water is a HVAC problem that can occur. Today Fritts Heating & Air will focus on one common problem: the furnace leaking water. This issue could lead to high repair costs, or even worse – mold growth – which could pose a threat to your property and your health. We will help you determine the main cause of your furnace leaking water and perform any necessary furnace repair work.

How Does A Furnace Function?

Let’s start off by gaining a basic understanding of how a furnace functions, so we can grasp how important it is to have regular furnace maintenance and furnace repair. 

  • Furnaces function by burning fuel internally to warm air, water or steam. They then direct the warmth into various parts of a building to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Most furnaces burn natural gas, or liquid propane gas (LPG), while some burn wood, coal or oil. The entire cycle starts as the thermostat senses a difference between its settings and the temperature in your home. The thermostat will then initiate heat and the circulating fan will then turn on. The circulating fan is what moves the air throughout your home by pushing it through your ductwork and vents!

What Would Be The Cause Of Your Furnace Leaking Water?

To start, one of the most common issues with leaking furnaces is a condensation leak.  Although this is still an issue and a potential headache for homeowners to have to deal with, it is an easy fix for Fritts Heating & Air.

When you call us, we will be able to inspect the problem to determine the next steps in your furnace repair. Why does condensation occur? Your furnace naturally produces condensation that gets drained by the condensate line or drain hose. However, if the drain hose becomes clogged, it could lead to leaking around the furnace base. This can lead to bigger problems with water damage. It is best to inspect your furnace carefully if you inspect any signs of damage. If you notice water on the floor around the furnace unit, or rust stains within the cabinet, the condensate is not draining appropriately. Be sure to call one of our reliable professionals to come to your home for a furnace repair. 

Inducer Assembly

In the cycle of producing heat, the condensation runs down the exhaust pipe, through the previously mentioned condensate drain hose, and into something called the inducer assembly. The significance of an inducer assembly is to draw combustion air into the furnace, which will help the gas to burn efficiently. If the inducer motor and blower assembly have a crack in them, water can leak out of the furnace. The inducer assembly is one of those parts you might not even hear of often or think about until there is a problem going on with it. Unfortunately, it is a part of the furnace that causes the most issues on a furnace. This is due to the amount of work it has to put in to produce heat. The inducer blower assembly consists of many parts: a small motor powered by electricity, a fan, an electrical box to allow connections, and a metal sleeve around the entire fan assembly. 

Do You Have A Standard Furnace With No Condensation?

How can the furnace leak without condensation? The Flue. If the flue is too large or not sloped correctly, it can allow the gas from the exhaust to slow down. This process of slowing down also cools it down, producing and releasing moisture. Since this is a standard furnace with a metal flue, the moisture could build up quickly and cause other issues. A few problems are corrosion and flue leaks. This could be the root of the problem of your furnace leaking water. 

Issues With Your Humidifier

Since furnaces produce relatively dry air, humidifiers are essential in combating the issues and irritations that can be caused by dry air. Since humidifiers are so vital in producing clean air, they also can create problems if there is any leak or clog. This can be easily repaired or replaced to avoid any future damage to your furnace or home. Our team can perform furnace maintenance regularly in order for you to prevent issues. 

A Leaking Heat Exchanger

This is a major issue and can pose a serious threat to the safety of your home. Furnace maintenance is needed to prevent leaking in the future. In any case of gasses being leaked or in places they are not supposed to, it is not a good sign and you should seek help quickly. If there is a crack in one of the cells of your furnace’s heat exchanger, the gasses being used,  carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrous oxide, could leak into your home. If you notice the smell of gas, please get assistance immediately. Leaking gas can cause illness or, in extreme cases, death. Fortunately, a leaking heat exchanger is less common than the other causes previously mentioned, but it can be a costly repair and may require a complete system replacement.

Air Conditioner

If you’re noticing a pool of water only when the air conditioning is running, then the leak may be coming from a clogged condensate drain for the air conditioner. There could also be a clog in the drain line shared by the furnace and air conditioner.

Need Furnace Maintenance? Call Us Today!

Fritts Heat & Air is a reliable Heating & Air service and HVAC contractor with over 20 years of experience. We provide Atlanta and North Georgia with expert heating and air conditioning services. Suppose you need any furnace repair services in Atlanta, GA, and throughout North Georgia. In that case, you can rely on us for your repairs and installation for residential and commercial properties. Since our inception, our philosophy is to provide our customers with quality and affordable services through professionalism and honesty.

Need furnace maintenance? You can rely on Fritts. We provide heating and cooling services for air conditioning, commercial HVAC, furnace repair, smart thermostat installation, HVAC repair and installation, and more. 

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