air conditioning

HVAC Repair Technician | Fritts Heating & Air

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With These Energy-Efficient Tips

If you want to take control of your energy consumption, you first need to know how much energy you use. Your utility bill alone won’t tell you how much greenhouse gases and pollution are emitted in delivering that energy. You also can’t measure other impacts like toxic chemicals from manufacturing equipment, cars, or pollution from […]

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With These Energy-Efficient Tips Read More »

How Do Wall Vents Correlate With Temperature Control?

As the name implies, ventilation is supplying fresh air to a space or removing stale air. A building’s ventilation system includes air exchange with the outdoor and air circulation within the building, which are integral to maintaining an acceptable level of indoor air quality within the building. As a result of ventilation, foul, contaminated air

How Do Wall Vents Correlate With Temperature Control? Read More »