Air Conditioner Freon | Fritts Heating & Air

Bi-Annual HVAC Maintenance & Its Importance

A poorly working HVAC unit will directly affect your business and/or your residential home. The best way to minimize these potential year-round problems is by performing a bi-annual maintenance service in the fall and spring. With commercial and residential HVAC equipment, typically all of the heating and cooling components are located in a single location, using many of the same parts. So whether you’re using the heat or the A/C, the same parts are being used throughout the HVAC system. Bi-annual maintenance makes sure these parts are in good working condition before you start up a new routine for the new season. Here Fritts Heating & Air talks more about the importance of bi-annual HVAC maintenance.

Energy Efficiency

Having a regular bi-annual maintenance agreement can help with your energy conservation. When parts get worn down and used frequently, the HVAC system starts to work overtime. This decreases the quality of the performance which in turn makes your system less energy efficient. Under a reliable HVAC agreement, your HVAC specialist will provide high quality parts (when needed) and keep your equipment in good shape. This will help you control costs and keep your utility bills as low as possible.

Comfort At Work Or Home

Like mentioned before, when your HVAC system is over-worked, it doesn’t put out its maximum performance. With this being the case, your HVAC system won’t run properly making your home or office uncomfortable. When it’s too hot or too cold, this can affect productivity and employee well-being. Regular HVAC maintenance allows your system to work optimally and provide the proper temperature throughout your office or home.

Save Money With HVAC Maintenance 

Bi-annual HVAC maintenance agreements can help you in saving money in the long run. Emergency situations are always expensive. When parts break from overuse it usually costs more to fix and replace. By maintaining your equipment, you can make repairs faster, extend the life of your equipment and plan for replacements rather than reacting to instant changes. A maintenance service gives you time to prepare and budget, setting aside the funding you’ll need down the road.

Professional Bi-Annual HVAC Maintenance

Fritts Heating & Air can take care of all your heating & air needs. With our residential service agreement, your HVAC system will have two yearly check-ups, making sure your system is properly cooling and heating depending on the season. $149 for the first unit, $85 for each additional unit.

Advantages of Our Service Agreements:

  • Priority service
  • Filter Change Out
  • No overtime charges for maintenance clients
  • Reduced risk of costly breakdowns
  • Coil cleaning (stand in)
  • Condenser cleaning (stand in)
  • Check electrical connections to all heating and cooling components
  • 10% Discount on parts
  • Check for proper venting
  • Reduced energy costs/ increased efficiency
  • Check system operation
  • Checking Refrigerant Levels/Lines (if needed cost will be extra)
  • Check Thermostat
  • Check amperage draw